Perfect Pancakes

Perfect Pancakes

Perfect Pancakes Every Time

I’m Samuel, founder of Long Table. I’ve flipped over 1,000,000 pancakes, and I've learned a lot. I want you to know it.


Most folks get disappointed with the pancakes they make at home, compared to what they get at a diner. This is not because the diner is using better ingredients. Typically, they definitely aren’t. They're using third-grade white flour that has no flavor or nutritional value. 

It’s because the person at the diner’s griddle has secret wisdom, gained by making pancakes every day for a decade.

This is my secret wisdom. May it serve you well, friend.

I made pancakes five days a week for two years at home. Then, I made pancakes four days a week at farmer's markets for six years. I learned a lot. And I wrote it down. 

Make pancakes as the back of the bag says. And follow these 7 tips:

